
Sergey B. Dubovichenko

Skype - dubovichenko



Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute

Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan (RK)

Laboratory Head of "Nuclear Astrophysics"

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences - 2007 Kazakhstan and 2008 Russia

(Physics of atomic nuclei and elementary particles - 01.04.16 and Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes - 05.13.18)  

Professor  RK, 2012

The Vice President (2018) and Active Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, 2013

Active Member of the Peter's Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2015 

Active Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History, 2013

Active Member of the International Informatization Academy (RK) , 2008

Active Member of  the New-York Academy of Sciences, 1995

Laureate of the title "Best Scientific Worker of the RK" from MNHE, 2023

Laureate of the Badge of Honor "For Merits in the Development of Space Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from MDDIAP, 2023

Best Researcher Award 2023

Laureate of the Badge of Honor "For Merits in the Development of Space Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from MDDIAP, 2021
Laureate of the Badge of Honor "For Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" from MES, 2020

Honorary Scientist of Europe, 2018

Laureate of the State Prize RK al-Farabi in the field of science and technology, 2015

State scientific stipend for scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science RK, 2015

European Gauss Medal, 2015

European Honorary Cross "Merit", 2013

European Gold Medal, 2013

Gold medal RANH, 2013

Laureate of the International G. Soros Grant, 1993

Laureate of the Komsomol Prize of Kazakhstan, 1984

Individual Member of the International Astronomical Union, 2015

Regular Member of the American Physical Society, 2013

Individual Ordinary Member of the European Physical Society, 1998

Head and Founder of Kazakhstan branch of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, 2013

Area interests

Theoretical nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics,

structure of light atomic nuclei and nuclear reactions at low and astrophysical energies,

nucleon-nucleon interactions,

informatics, programming, numerical methods in physics and computer technologies

Main Publications

(after 1985)

Early Publications

(before 1985)


on Informatics, Programming and Numerical Method in Physic

This page was executed 09.04.2024