Laboratory Head of "Nuclear Astrophysics" - 2015.
Sector Head of "Thermonuclear processes of the Universe" - 2013.
Academician of the Europe Academy of Natural Sciences - 2013.
Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural History - 2013.
Corr. Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History - 2011.
Doctor of phys.- math. sciences on specialties 01.04.16 - Physics atomic nuclei and elementary particles and 05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and programs complexes - scientific degree confirmation of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia - 2008.
Academician of the International Informatizations Academy RK - 2008.
Doctor phys.- math. sciences on specialties 01.04.16 - Physics atomic nuclei and elementary particles and 05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and programs complexes, Institute Nuclear Physics NNC, Kazakhstan (RK) - 2007.
Main Research Scientist at the Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan (former Kaz. SSR in USSR), with 2007.
Professor at the Kazakh Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2005-2007.
Professor at the Kazakh - Turkish University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2004 - 2005.
Assistant professor at the Kazakh - American University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2002 - 2004.
Chief of Informatics department at Industry - Pedagogical Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2001 - 2002.
Assistant professor at the Economics and
Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2001
Assistant professor at the Kazakh State National University, 1998 - 2000
Individual Ordinary Member of European Physical Society, 1998.
Chief of scientific theme in the Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1997-1999.
Corresponding Member of Kazakhstan International Informatization Academy, 1996.
Active Member of New-York Academy of Sciences, 1995
Chief of scientific theme on the Grant of Kazakhstan Ministry of Science and New
Technologies, 1993-1995
Laureate of International G. Soros Grant, 1993
Senior lecturer at the Kazakh State National University, 1991-1997
Chief of the department of technical education facilities at the Kazakh State National University, 1987-1990.
Senior Research Scientist at the Kazakh State National University, 1986
Ph.D. in physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1985
Laureate of Kazakhstan Komsomol Prize in physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Post - graduate in Kazakh state national university, 1980-1982
Senior engineer at the Kazakh State National University, 1976-1985
Height education, physics, Kazakh State National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
High school, Uralsk, Kazakhstan, 1971
Was born in Russia, Engels city.
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