

Sergey B. Dubovichenko





  1.  Laureate of the State Prize al-Farabi RK, 2015

  2.  Laboratory Head of "Nuclear Astrophysics" - 2015.

  3. Sector Head of "Thermonuclear processes of the Universe" - 2013.

  4. Academician of the Europe Academy of Natural Sciences - 2013.

  5. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural History - 2013.

  6. Corr. Member of the Russian Academy of Natural History - 2011.

  7. Doctor of phys.- math. sciences on specialties 01.04.16 -  Physics atomic nuclei and elementary particles and 05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and programs complexes - scientific degree confirmation of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia - 2008.

  8. Academician of the International  Informatizations Academy RK - 2008.

  9. Doctor phys.- math. sciences on specialties 01.04.16 -  Physics atomic nuclei and elementary particles and 05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and programs complexes, Institute Nuclear Physics NNC, Kazakhstan (RK) - 2007.

  10. Main Research Scientist at the Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan (former Kaz. SSR in USSR), with 2007.

  11. Professor at the Kazakh Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2005-2007.

  12. Professor at the Kazakh - Turkish University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2004 - 2005.

  13. Assistant professor at the Kazakh - American University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2002 - 2004.

  14. Chief of Informatics department at Industry - Pedagogical Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2001 - 2002.

  15. Assistant professor at the Economics and Law Academy, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2001.

  16. Assistant professor at the Kazakh State National University, 1998 - 2000.

  17. Individual Ordinary Member of European Physical Society, 1998.

  18. Chief of scientific theme in the Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1997-1999.

  19. Corresponding Member of Kazakhstan International Informatization Academy, 1996.

  20. Active Member of New-York Academy of Sciences, 1995.

  21. Chief of scientific theme on the Grant of Kazakhstan Ministry of Science and New Technologies, 1993-1995.

  22. Laureate of International G. Soros Grant, 1993.

  23. Senior lecturer at the Kazakh State National University, 1991-1997.

  24. Chief of the department of technical education facilities at the Kazakh State National University, 1987-1990.

  25. Senior Research Scientist at the Kazakh State National University, 1986.

  26. Ph.D. in physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1985.

  27. Laureate of Kazakhstan Komsomol Prize in physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1984.

  28. Post - graduate in Kazakh state national university, 1980-1982.

  29. Senior engineer at the Kazakh State National University, 1976-1985.

  30. Height education, physics, Kazakh State National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 1976.

  31. High school, Uralsk, Kazakhstan, 1971.

  32. Was born in Russia, Engels city.

Main pages

Publications before 1985

Main publications

 Publications on Informatics

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